Changing up your skincare routine for Spring

As I was doing a bit of spring cleansing and looking at any products that have been opened for far too long on my dresser, I thought it may be a good idea to write a little blog on transitioning your skincare routine for Spring time.

Light weight formulations

Many people, especially with oilier skin types, will look to swap in a moisturiser with a lighter weight formulation. Moving from a thicker cream moisturiser to a gel-consistency moisturiser can help reduce clogged pores and feel lighter on the skin in the warmer months. For oily skin, our personal favourites are the Klairs Fundamental Watery Gel Cream or the Toun28 trouble Care for Dehydrated Oily Skin. Those with combination to dry skin would enjoy our new Heimish Moisture Surge Gel Cream or the Cosrx Propolis Light Gel Cream.

Buy Heimish Moisture Surge Gel Cream Buy Cosrx Propolis Light Gel Cream


Whilst you should be using SPF daily, regardless of the weather or season, it is definitely worth using it now if you aren't already! Be sure to re-apply your SPF throughout the day as well. The one I am currently using at the moment is the Troiareuke Acsen UV Essence which is lightweight yet soothing thanks to Centella Asiatica.

Spring Cleaning

Now is the perfect time to de-clutter your skincare collection. Had that moisturiser open for 2 years sat on your dresser? It's time to say goodbye to it. As the weather gets warmer, bacteria can also grow faster, so it is important to ensure you are checking the expiry dates of products and throwing out any that have been opened for too long.